Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Zombie Economy

Some pretty spooky stuff going on in the Federal Reserve these days. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has recently vowed to stand by the U.S. economy and make sure that we don't descend into a spiral of deflation and ever-swelling debt. The Fed has already used up much of its ammunition to keep the economy afloat, but it has vowed to use unconventional tools to make sure that we stay strong. I guess that means inventing new weapons.

The Zombie Economy

The question that people are posing, however, is whether Big Ben's promises are good enough?

A new article on Yahoo Finance! suggests that his promises to keep our economy properly inflated are probably not good enough. There's only so much more that he can do. Interest rates are already basically at 0. He's initiated large scale programs to further increase the supply of money available to banks. There has to be a limit to what he can actually do to keep this current situation alive?

The scary thing is that our economy is currently in a zombie-like state. It is the epitome of the "living dead." The economy seems like it's alive by our consistent spending and the statistical signs that business is moving. But when you look underneath the surface, everything is hollow. The unemployment picture remains downright horrible. Individuals repeatedly say that things are not as good as they seem, whether for their small businesses or in their cutbacks at their jobs.

We can't stay in this state forever. Something has to break.

What will happen?

Who knows!!

But one thing I do know... whatever happens, good or bad, trend followers like you and me will be there to REAP THE REWARDS. The stock market will go up and down as the zombie-economy ebbs and swells, and we will collect HUGE PROFITS from its movements.

Do you want to learn how to do this? While everyone else cowers in fear from this scary situation, do you want to be able to capitalize on it and actually make money? If you said yes, then you should definitely check out my book. Learn the strategies to profit from boom or doom so that you are ready to POUNCE on PROFITS regardless of which direction they can be had. Check it out right HERE.

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